Schlagwort-Archive: Nigel Slater

Nigel Slater Tomato Curry

Last weekend I visited a farmer’s market, just for the great offer of heirloom tomatoes.

Heirloom Tomaten Collage

I couldn’t resist and bought some. I prepared the oven roasted tomato sauce and the remaining 500 grams I ladled as a tomato curry

Nigel Slater Tomato Curry

over rice into a bowl. Instead of using crushed tomatoes, I chopped all of tomatoes but 4 and added them to the onion mixture.
The result was a really delicious meal.

Nigel Slater Tomato Curry

yield:Serves 2

Nigel Slater Tomato Curry (2)

A tasty curry with some end-of-summer tomatoes


  • 1 medium onion, about 110 grams, peeled and chopped
  • 1,5 tbsp.rapeseed oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 hot chili pepper, chopped, with seeds
  • 0,5 + 1/8 tsp. brown mustard seeds
  • 1 1/4 tsp. tumeric, ground
  • 1 1/4 tsp. cumin seeds
  • 1 piece of ginger, about 2,5 cm, peeled, cut into match stick sized shreds
  • 220 grams crushed tomatoes from a tin
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 200 ml water
  • 4 tbsp. plain yoghurt



abgewandelt von nach:
The Kitchen Diaries:
A Year in the Kitchen with Nigel Slater
ISBN 978-0670026418


  1. In a pan cook onions slowly on low to moderate heat until translucent. Add garlic and chili to the onions. Stir in the mustard seeds, turmeric and cumin seeds and continue cooking. Add ginger, cook briefly, then add crushed tomatoes water and a few twists of pepper. Bring to a boil, then add the whole tomatoes.
  2. Turn the heat douwn and simmer covered with a lid about 25 to 35 Minutes, turning the tomatoes once or twice during cooking. They should be softened, but not totally collapsed.
  3. Push the tomatoes to one side and stir in the yoghurt and let the sauce heat through. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve over rice or with naan.

total time: 50 minutes
preparation time:15 minutes
cooking time: 35 minutes

*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon

For all other great Ladle It Up! recipes visit the I heart cooking clubs site

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Pickled Cucumber, Bresaola, Emmentaler sandwich from Nigel Slater

This week I ♥ Cooking Clubs is looking for Nigel Slater recipes featuring or including pickled ingredients of all kinds. I have to admit, that I just begin to enjoy pickling at home, this year I pickled carrots and rhubarb. There was a piece of cucumber waiting in the fridge, so I decided to make a quick pickling and served

Pickled Cucumber, Bresaola, Emmentaler sandwich from Nigel Slater

Pickled Cucumber, Bresaola, Emmentaler sandwich from Nigel Slater

with freshly baked bread and Swiss Emmentaler and Italian Bresaola. Simple, easy and delicious!

Pickled Cucumber, Bresaola, Emmentaler sandwich from Nigel Slater

YIELD: Serves 2

Collage Pickled Cucumber, Bresaola, Emmentaler sandwich from Nigel Slater

Nigel Slater recipe for Pickled Cucumber, Bresaola, Emmentaler sandwich


  • 4 slices of sourdough bread, I used Martin’s prototype no. one
  • Emmentaler, thinly sliced
  • Bresaola
  • 1/2 cucumber, I used ridge cucumber Johanna
  • 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • black pepper
  • salt


modified by from:
Nigel Slater – kitchen 2014**


  1. Lightly peel the cucumber with a vegetable peeler, then halve down its length and remove and discard the seeds. Peel into long pappardelle like ribbons. Putvinegar,mustard, sugar and a little pepper into a mixing bowl and add the cucumber. Leave for 10 mins.
  2. Fry 4 pieces of sourdough in a little butter till lightly crisp on both sides then drain on kitchen paper. Pile one with thinly sliced Emmental, shreds of pickled cucumber, a little salt, slices of bresaola, then another slice of bread. Repeat with the remaining fried bread slices.

total time: 25 minutes
preparation time: 15 minutes
cook/baking time: 10 minutes

*=Affiliate-Link zu Amazon
For all other great In Quite a Pickle! recipes visit the I heart cooking clubs site
more Nigel Slater recipes
more recipes and entries in English

**{7F76C00F-CB0B-4B97-8E9B-D5A71288A2B1} no more available

Baked Lemon Potatoes from Nigel Slater

Returning from a short vacation the larder offered me some lemons and potatoes. We were hungry and the recipe for baked lemon potatoes from Real Good Food: The Essential Nigel Slater * came just right. While the potatoes were baking

©Baked Lemon Potatoes from Nigel Slater (2)

I emptied the suitcases and did a laundry load. I served the potatos with a few tomato slices. A light and simple supper.

Baked Lemon Potatoes from Nigel Slater

YIELD: serves 3

©Baked Lemon Potatoes from Nigel Slater (1)

A super light and delicious recipe for Baked Lemon Potatoes


  • 600 grams potatoes, thinly sliced
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 small bay leaves
  • 1 1/2 lemons, the juice
  • salt
  • pepper, freshly ground


978-1857023701 *

modified by from:
Real Good Food: The Essential Nigel Slater *
ISBN 978-1857023701


  1. Place potatoes in an ovenproof dish. Squasch the garlic clove and add it whole. Pour over the olive oil and lemon juice, and add the bay leaves. Add a generous grinding of black pepper and salt.
  2. Bakce at 200 °C/400 °F for about an hour or until soft and slightly crisp on top. Strir once or twice during cooking.

total time: 1 h 10 minutes
preparation time: 5 minutes
cooking/baking time 60 minutes

*=Affiliate-Link zu Amazon


For all other great Zest it up! recipes visit the I heart cooking clubs site

more Nigel Slater recipes