Wet your whistle with Mint Tea

Cooking educates. Wet your whistle is an idiom for quenching your thirst with a(n alkoholic) drink. We have a similar expression in German. While weeding the garden I discovered some mint leaves between the upcoming parsley and supposed to be majoram.

Moroccan Mint

I decided to remove the mint sprigs and used the leaves to serve

Mint Tea

Mint Tea

Refeshing and the “appropiate minty taste” gives an outlook of summer: Sipping limonana in the beach chair.

Mint Tea

Yield: 3 servings

Mint Tea

Mint Tea recipe for IHCC


  • 600 ml filtered water, I always use this *
  • 15 – 18 mint leaves


978-0345542557 *

modified from inspired by:
Good Food, Good Life:
130 Simple Recipes You’ll Love to Make and Eat
also found on Leites Culinaria 26,10.2023 **


  1. Bring the filtered water to a boil in a tea kettle or saucepan over high heat.
  2. Place the mint sprigs in a heatproof vessel – I used my Morroccan Tea Pot -or divvy the mint sprigs between 2 tea cups or mugs and pour in enough hot water over the mint to fill the cups or mugs. Let the mint steep for 1 to 2 minutes, occasionally tilting the vessel, cups, or mugs to swirl the water against the mint sprigs.
  3. Remove and discard the mint. Serve the mint tea immediately, letting the tea cool slightly before sipping.

total time: 10 minutes
preparation time: 5 minutes
cooking/baking time: 5 minutes

*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon

Photo Credit: I ♥ Cooking Clubs
For all other great Wet your Whistle! recipes visit the I heart cooking clubs site
more recipes and entries in English

** 16.10.2023 https://leitesculinaria.com/100863/recipes-mint-tea.html nur noch im Webarchiv abrufbar

7 thoughts on “Wet your whistle with Mint Tea

  1. Deb in Hawaii

    I always steep use my leftover fresh mint for tea. It’s so good hot or iced and so refreshing. So great for digestion too. (And, I am in love with your pretty teapot and mug!) ;-)

  2. Pingback: Rezepte von Curtis Stone - kuechenlatein.com

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