Daring Bakers: Icy French Yule Log


This month’s challenge is brought to us by the adventurous Hilda from Saffron and Blueberry and Marion from Il en Faut Peu Pour Etre Heureux.
They have chosen a French Yule Log by Flore from Florilege Gourmand (Edit December 2017: http://plaisirgourmand.perso.cegetel.net now defunct)
This month’s challenge is the cream dessert version of a

Icy French Yule Log – Bûche de Noël

Icy French Yule Log 002

When I read the recipe, I had my doubts that I’ll ever finish the challenge. Too many pans and bowls, to much heavy cream, too many elements:

  1. Dacquoise Biscuit
  2. Mousse
  3. Ganache Insert
  4. Praline (Crisp) Insert
  5. Creme Brulee Insert
  6. Icing
      French Yule Log 003

But finally I did it and served it Christmas Day for dessert.

French Yule Log 004

We like Mousse au Chocolat, Crème brûlée and Choco Crossies, the Praline Crisp insert. But the combination of all wasn’t ours. Glad, I halved the recipe. It can be found at Hilda’s website.

See what others think about this challenge visiting the Daring Bakers blogroll.

more from the Daring Bakers at Küchenlatein
more recipes and entries in English

24 thoughts on “Daring Bakers: Icy French Yule Log

  1. Meeta (Gast)

    Nice Job!
    Well done on this challenge! Shame you did not like as a whole. I too love the individual elements but did like it all together – guess I am a dessert glutton LOL!
    Wishing you and your family a happy new year!

  2. kim (www.scrumptiousphotography.com)

    wow, that is such a beautiful dessert! i am so impressed by all of these cakes, and yours looks just perfect. happy new year!!

  3. deeba (Gast)

    Well done Ulkire. Beautiful buche with perfect layesr. This was one involved challege, with loads of cream, loads ot chcolate…but was one of the best desserts I have ever made, or even dreamt of making!


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