SHF #33 – Tropical Paradise: Pineapples with Mint Sugar

SHF #33 Pineapples with Mint Sugar
Mary from alpineberry chose Tropical Paradise for this month’s Sugar High Friday. 22.05.2021 ** A Tropical Paradise is for me lying on a beach in the shadow of a coconut palm and eating tropical fruits like pineapples. My very first fresh pineapple I had in Legian Beach on Bali years ago. I was fascinated how quick the women on the beach could prepare a pineapple with very large knives. At first they peeled the pineapples and then removed the “eyes” with trained cuts around the fruit.

In remembrance of a wonderful vacation, my contribution for this round of SHF is

Pineapples with Mint Sugar

Pineapples with Mint Sugar 007

Very refreshing! It gave me a tropical feeling on a hot summer day in Northern Germany.

There’s no special recipe to follow:

©SHF #33 001 ©SHF #33 002 ©SHF #33 006
©SHF #33 003 ©SHF #33 004 ©SHF #33 005

more recipes and entries in English

** 22.05.2021 no longer available

9 thoughts on “SHF #33 – Tropical Paradise: Pineapples with Mint Sugar

  1. katie (Gast)

    Thyme for Cooking
    I love pineapple but never buy it here…. I’ve never found a good one.
    But, at my sil’s in Hawaii – now, that’s truly wonderful – white pineapple!
    Probably not as good as on a beach in Bali, however ;-)

  2. Gabi (Gast)

    Ersetze das “Legian” durch “Kuta” und du hast auch eine meiner Bali-Erinnerungen beschrieben :-) Dazu gehören dann auch noch Sate mit Erdnussoße (die ich über alles inklusive gekochter Schuhsohlen essen könnte) und frisch gekochter Hummer in Nusa Dua…


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