Special WHB Tell Us Your Very Favorite Herb: Parsley


Photo courtesy of Gernot Katzer’s Spice pages

There is no doubt My Very Favorite Herb 27.04.2021 ** is parsley. This herb is versatile.

You can use the leaves and the root. The flat-leaved parsley has a better taste, the curley-leaved parsley has a milder taste and is often used for garnishing. I always use the flat-leaved parsley as a substitute for cilantro and in all dishes it worked well. I have to admit, I only like the coriander seed, but the cilantro leaves could remind of parsley, but the taste doesn’t.

For the WHB #51 I replaced the mint with parsley and got Courgette, potato & parsley frittata. Parsley was great in this. If you serve green beans you accompany them with savory, but parsley does it also very well for a typical dish from northern Germany: Birnen, Bohnen and Kassler – Pears, beans and smoked pork chops. I searched my blog for parsley and got 14 dishes where I used parsley and 17 for Petersilie. I used it in German dishes and oriental style dishes.

I’ve featured parsley for the WHB #25 with Parsley Potatoes.

Parsley Potatoes 002
I love this very simple dish since my childhood which is the best recipe to enhance the taste of parsley.

more recipes and entries in English

** 27.04.2021 https://kalynskitchen.com/special-weekend-herb-blogging-event/ no longer available

1 thoughts on “Special WHB Tell Us Your Very Favorite Herb: Parsley

  1. Kalyn (Gast)

    Great post
    What a great post about the glories of parsley. I do like it a lot, but not quite as much as my very favorite. Oh well, I predice that neither of our choices will be the „winner“. No matter. They are all winners.

    How perfect that my brother made a header just for your choice.


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