Squash Rice Porridge

My second Ukrainian recipe for the GFGF-Group is

Squash Rice Porridge

Squash Rice Porridge

In the supermarket appeared the first watery and tasteless Spanish giant strawberries, next to them still stored Hokkaido squash and butternut squash. I grabbed the latter and cooked rice pudding. Olia Hercules writes, that pumpkins are very rarely used in Ukrainian savoury dishes. She grew up with sweet pumpkin rice porridge, a real favourite in many regions. I also grew up with rice pudding, I already tried the Portuguese version, so I was very excited to try the Ukrainian with pumpkin or squash. The butternut squash not only made a pretty color but also added a slight sweetness to the rice pudding. Condensed milk to serve would have been way too sweet, milk or cream fit better.

Squash Rice Porridge

Yield: 4 servings

Squash Rice Porridge

Squash Rice Porridge is a traditional Ukrainian delight. I think it is also good with some brown butter.


  • 700 grams pumpkin/squash, 500 grams peeled; Ulrike: Butternut, cut into 2 cm chunks
  • 150 grams short-grain rice, washed; Ulrike: Milchreis*
  • 1 heaped teesp, salt
  • 700 ml water; Ulrike: milk, 1,5 % fat
  • 100 ml whole milk
  • 1 teasp. vanilla extract
  • 20 grams butter
  • 50 ml honey or maple syrup plus extra to serve
  • evaporated milk, to serve, Ulrike: low-fat milk, optional



modified by from:
Olia Hercules
Summer Kitchens: Recipes and
Reminiscences from Every Corner of Ukraine


  1. Put the pumpkin/squash into a saucepan and cover with water. Bring to the boil, then simmer for about 20 minutes, or until the pumpkin is very soft. After 10 minutes add the rice ant salt to the pan and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes, until the rice is just cooked.
  2. Add the milk and vanilla extract, thenn mash the pumpkin into the liquid with a potato masher. Cook the porrigde for another 10 minutes, stirring so it doesn’t catch on the bottom of the pan – add a spash more water or mil if it starts looking dry.
  3. When the rice is soft and the porrigde is thin and reamy, stir through the butter and honey or maple syrup.
  4. If you feel like the porridge could be sweeter, drizzle over some extra honey or syrup once it is in the bowl. Serve the squash rice porridgewith evaporated milk, if desired.

total time: 1 hour
preparation time: 15 minutes
cooking/baking time: 40 minutes

* = Amazon Affiliate-Link

Don’t miss the recipes from Kayte, Margaret and Nancy

more recipes and entries in English
more recipes with squash/pumpkin

13 thoughts on “Squash Rice Porridge

  1. Pingback: Good Friends Good Food - kuechenlatein.com

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  3. Kayte

    This looks delicious. We love butternut squash so the thought of preparing it like this is so appealing. Your presentation is beautiful. What a treat this would be.

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