Schlagwort-Archive: Polenta

Nigel Slater Rhubarb cinnamon polenta cake

It is Potluck week at I heart Cooking Clubs. That means to choose the recipe or the chef. It’s still rhubarb season in Northern Germany and especially after this tweet 

it was time to try the

Rhubarb cinnamon polenta cake

Rhubarb cinnamon polenta cake (2)

from Nigel Slater. An excellent cake, which doesn’t get soggy the following day. For decadent indulgence serve with rhubarb juice and cream.

Nigel Slater Rhubarb cinnamon polenta cake Button German

Yield: Serves 8, 1 springform tin Ø 20 cm

©Nigel Slater Rhubarb Polenta Cake (1)

Gritty, sugary crust meets slithery rhubarb. Enjoy the Rhubarb cinnamon polenta cake with the reserved juices from the cooked rhubarb.


for the filling

  • 500 grams rhubarb
  • 50 grams golden caster sugar
  • 4 tablespoons water

for the crust

  • 125 grams coarse polenta
  • 200 grams plain flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 pinch ground cinnamon, freshly grated
  • 150 g golden caster sugar
  • 1 small orange, grated zest
  • 150 grams butter
  • 1 large egg
  • 2-4 tablespoons milk; Ulrike: 30 ml


978-0007325214 *

modified by from:
Nigel Slater
Tender Volume II, a Cook’s Guide to the Fruit Garden *
ISBN: 978-0007325214


  1. Lightly oil or butter a 20 cm loose-bottomed cake tin, preferably springform. Set the oven at 180 °C/Gas 4 and put a baking sheet in it to get hot. Trim the rhubarb, cut each stem into short pieces and put them in a baking dish. Scatter over the sugar and water and bake for thirty to forty minutes, till the rhubarb is soft but still retains its shape. Remove the pieces of fruit from the dish and put them in a colander or large sieve to drain. Reserve the rhubarb juice to serve with the cake.
  2. Put the polenta, flour, baking powder, cinnamon and caster sugar in a food processor. Add the grated orange zest and the butter, cut into smallish pieces, then blitz for a few seconds till you have something that resembles breadcrumbs. I sometimes prefer to do this by hand, rubbing the butter into the polenta with my fingertips as if I were making pastry. An extraordinarily peaceful thing to do if one has the time. Break the egg into a small bowl and mix with 2 tablespoons of milk, then blend into the crumble mix, either in the food processor or by hand. Take care not to over mix; stop as soon as the dry ingredients and liquid have come together to form a soft, slightly sticky dough. If it is not a little sticky, then add a touch more milk.
  3. itemprop=“recipeInstructions“Press about two-thirds of the mixture into the cake tin, pushing it a couple of centimetres up the sides with a floured spoon. Make sure there are no holes or large cracks. Place the drained rhubarb on top, leaving a small rim around the edge. Crumble lumps of the remaining polenta mixture over the fruit with your fingertips, and don’t worry if the rhubarb isn’t all covered. Scatter over the Demerara sugar. Place on the hot baking sheet and bake for forty-five to fifty minutes, then cool a little before attempting to remove from the tin. Serve in slices, with the reserved rhubarb juice.

total: 1 hour 30 minutes
preparation: 10 minutes
cook: 75 minutes

*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon
For all other great May Potluck! entries visit the I heart cooking clubs site
more Nigel Slater recipes
more recipes in English

Sahnige Polenta mit Spinat

Die Kinder lieben Polenta und ich Spinat. Was liegt da also näher, die

Sahnige Polenta mit Spinat

Sahnige Polenta mit Spinat 003


Sogar unser Spinatmuffel fand das mit Parmesankäse bestreut „erträglich“. Immerhin!

========== REZKONV-Rezept – RezkonvSuite v0.99.1

Titel: Sahnige Polenta mit Spinat
Kategorien: Beilage
Menge: 4 Personen

125 Gramm Blattspinat
175 Gramm Maisgrieß
700 ml Wasser
3 Essl. Mascarpone
Parmesankäse, optional
============================ QUELLE ============================
BBC Good Food Magazine, October 2005
— Erfasst *RK* 11.10.2005 von
— Ulrike Westphal

Den Blattspinat auftauen lassen. Wasser mit Salz aufkochen, den
Maisgrieß einstreuen und quellen lassen. Spinat und Mascarpone

Wer will, kann noch geriebenen Parmesankäse darüber streuen.
