Tuesdays with Dorie: Brioche à tête

TWDMadam Chow of Madam Chow’s Kitchen has chosen the Pecan Honey Sticky Buns on pages 51-53 from Baking: From My Home to Yours* for this week. I’ve already made Make-Ahead Ooey-Gooey Sticky Buns and I was very surprised, that my sons didn’t want the Pecan Honey Sticky Buns or the Brioche Raisin Snails. They asked for „normal“ brioches.

I made the whole batch and formed 12

Brioche à tête

Brioche à tête Brioche à tête 002 Brioche à tête 003
Brioche à tête 004 Brioche à tête 006 Brioche à tête 007

The family is disunited: Two cut vertical, the other two horizontal. I belong to the latter and enjoyed the slices with jam.

Brioche à tête 005

For Pecan Honey Sticky Buns and the recipe visit Madam Chow of Madam Chow’s Kitchen and the blogroll at the Tuesday’s With Dorie website.

*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon

more Tuesdays with Dorie at Küchenlatein (click)

32 thoughts on “Tuesdays with Dorie: Brioche à tête

  1. Rebecca (www.ezrapoundcake.com)

    Ezra Pound Cake
    Were the sticky buns and snails too sweet for your bunch? I just bought some mini brioche pans this week. Your photos have me ready to try them out!

  2. Caitlin at engineerbaker.blogspot.com

    I’m amazed that someone would pass up sticky buns for brioche, but I guess you have to go simple sometimes. Beautifully shaped brioches too, I’m jealous :)

  3. rainbowbrown @ browninterior.blogspot.com

    Oh, they look wonderful. I love the classic brioche shape. That’s funny, I never thought about slicing them horizontally, but I like how that looks.

  4. Bolli

    Das hätte ich jetzt gerne zum café!!! Schön mit gesalzener Butter und dann Marmel….

    Wieso nennt man das brioche à tête, die haben doch immer nen tête?

    Klasse Ulrike!!!!!!

  5. Bolli

    Das hätte ich jetzt gerne zum café!!! Schön mit gesalzener Butter und dann Marmel….

    Wieso nennt man das brioche à tête, die haben doch immer nen tête?

    Klasse Ulrike!!!!!!

  6. Mari at www.mevrouwcupcake.com

    I want brioche pans too!!! Your brioche looks perfect! I love how the boys dictate your kitchen…LOL!

  7. Christine at blendersgalore.com

    Sticky buns
    I was surprised that your sons didn’t want the sticky buns. I want the brioche pans! The brioche looks amazing and delicious with jam!

  8. Kayte (Gast)

    Photos and brioches are just beautiful…and the one with the jelly is just too yummy looking for words. M & A could not believe that H & H did not like STICKY BUNS! They were sure that was a misprint. Mine are in the oven baking now….I am keeping my fingers crossed…they smell delightful as they are baking.

  9. Mara (Gast)

    ooooh i love the idea of little brioches…i have the little pans and dough in the freezer. i could even mix in some fun additions…mmmm the wheels are turning. yours are fab!

  10. Cafe Johnsonia (http://cafejohnsonia.com/)

    WOW. They look perfect! I think next time I’m going to make regular brioche. I love it.


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