Schlagwort-Archive: Dicke Bohnen

Broad beans and Spanish ham for I♥CC

This week the I heart Cooking Clubs is looking for dishes with with a Mediterranean flair or ingredient.

It is summer and the offer of seasonal vegetables at the weekly market is exploding. Except on Sunday there is every day a weekly market anywhere in Kiel.

©Wochenmarkt Blücherplatz

I bought some broad beans

©Dicke Bohnen

and with Spanish Ham and Spanish Olive Oil

©Spanish Ham and Olive Oil

these wonderful beans went Mediterranean

Broad beans and Spanish ham

©Broad Beans and Spanish Ham (2)

Broad beans and Spanish ham

YIELD: serves two as a part of lunch

©Broad Beans and Spanish Ham (1)

A recipe from Nigel Slater for broad beans and Spanish ham


  • 500 grams broad beans in their pods, about 125 grams podded and skinned
  • 50 grams Spanish ham, thinly sliced


  • 1/2 tablespoon sherry vinegar
  • 1/4 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 1,5 tablespoons olive oil, I used Spanish
  • 1 tablespoon parlsey leaves, chopped
  • 1 small pinch salt
  • a few grinds of pepper


978-0007248490 *

modified by from
Nigel Slater
Tender Vol. I *
ISBN: 978-0007248490


  1. While you pod the beans bring a pan of water to the boil. Very lightly salt the water and tipn in the beans. Bring the water back to the boil, then turn down the heat so that they boil merrily for three or four minutes until they ar tender.
  2. Pop the beans from their skins, unless they are very young and the size of a fingernail. Place the pieces of ham, which should be in snippets about twice the size of a large postage stamp, on a serving plate.
  3. Make the dressing by adding salt to the sherry vinegar and letting dissolve. Add a quarter teaspoon of mustard then whisk in the olive oil with a fork. Add the chopped parsley to the dresstin. Lastly add a few grinds of pepper. Toss the beans gently in the dressing and set aside for twenty minutes (they are fine for several hours)
  4. Scatter the beans over the ham and eat.

total time: 50 minutes
preparation time:15 minutes
cook/baking time: 3 – 4 minutes

*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon


For all other great Mediterranean Magic! Dishes visit the I heart cooking clubs site

more Nigel Slater recipes
more recipes and entries in English

I♥CC Rootie Patootie! Broad beans, white cheese and hot radishes

Root Veg Collage 1The task this week: Make a dish including root vegetable.

Nearly all root vegetables are almost winter vegetables for me and I am craving for spring now. My favourite organic farmer had some radishes on special offer, because the radish green was a bit too yellow. Radishes are also root vegetables and with the broad beans in the freezer from last year, white cheese and fresh parsley from my garden I had all ingredients for Nigel Slater’s

Broad beans, white cheese and hot radishes

Broad beans, white cheese and hot radishes (1)

on hand. Nigel Slater says: “The coolness of the cheese, the heat of the radishes and the buttery taste of the beans maka fresh, clean-tastein salat of utmost purity”

I have nothing to add.

Broad beans, white cheese and hot radishes

YIELD: 2 servings

©Broad beans, white cheese and hot radishes (2)

A delicious salad with just 5 ingredients: Broad beans, white cheese, radishes and olive oil


  • 125 grams broad beans, podded; 1 used 170 grams
  • 125 grams white cheese; Ulrike: 110 grams of goat cheese roll, thinly sliced
  • 10 radishes, about 150 grams topped and tailed, thinly sliced
  • 1 tbsp. mild olive oil, Ulrike: Greek Olive Oil Elaikon *
  • 4 sprigs parsley


 978-0007248490 *

modified from :
Nigel Slater
Tender Vol. I
ISBN: 978-0007248490


  1. Cook the frozen broad beans for 12 minutes in the steamer.
  2. Carefully mix together skinned beans, sliced radishes and cheese. Trickle with olive oil and scatter with whole parsley leaves.

total: 20 minutes
preparation: 5 minutes
cook: 12 minutes

*=Affiliate-Link zu Amazon

For all other great Rootie Patootie! entries visit the I heart cooking clubs site

more Nigel Slater recipes
more recipes and entries in English

Dicke Bohnen

Ich liebe Dicke oder auch Große Bohnen. Entweder kaufe ich die tiefgefroren oder bekam die von der besten Schwiegermutter von allen hübsch säuberlich verpackt frei Haus geliefert. Ein eigener Anbau im Garten scheiterte bislang, aber auf dem Wochenmarkt gib es zur Zeit frische

Dicke Bohnen

©Dicke oder Große Bohnen 001

im Überfluss. Leider ist es ein bisschen mühsam, an das begehrte Innere zu kommen.

©Dicke oder Große Bohnen 002 ©Dicke oder Große Bohnen 003
©Dicke oder Große Bohnen 004 ©Dicke oder Große Bohnen 005
©Dicke Bohnen 006 ©Dicke Bohnen 007

Nur 25 % Ausbeute, damit zählen die Bohnen schon fast zum Luxusgemüse. Was ich damit kochen will, weiß ich auch schon.

Bislang gab es folgende mit dicken Bohnen zubereitete Rezepte: