Schlagwort-Archive: Kartoffeln

Green Beans, New Potatoes and Olives

Monthly Featured Ingredient/Dish Challenge at IHCC this week: Potatoes! The I ♥ Cooking Clubs members prepare recipes where any kind of potatoes are featured or included from any of our past or present IHCC chefs. I decided to make

Green Beans, New Potatoes and Olives

Green Beans, New Potatoes and Olives (1)

This was not only delicious but cheap. I paid just 1,42 Euros for potatoes, olives and green beans, the other ingredients I had on hand. It’s also great the next day for Lunch at Work.

Green Beans, New Potatoes and Olives

YIELD: 2 -3 servings

Green Beans, New Potatoes and Olives (2)

Cheap recipe for Green Beans, New Potatoes and Olives


  • 500 grams small new potatoes
  • Sea salt
  • black pepper, freshly ground
  • 200 grams green beans, trimmed and cut into 1 1/2-inch / 4cm lengths
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, thinly slivered
  • 50 grams black olives pitted, very coarsely chopped
  • good handful of basil, shredded
  • generous squeeze of 
lemon juice


978-160774472 *

modified from inspired by:
River Cottage Veg:
200 Inspired Vegetable Recipes
ISBN: 978-160774472
also found online.


  1. Cut the potatoes into 2 or 3 pieces each. Put them in a saucepan, 
cover with water, add salt, and bring to a boil, then lower the heat. Simmer for about 8 minutes, until tender, adding the beans for the 
last 2 or 3 minutes. Drain well and return to OPthe hot pan.
  2. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a small frying pan over low heat. Add the garlic and cook very gently for a couple of minutes, without letting it color. Add the chopped olives and cook for a minute more. Remove from the heat. 2
  3. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a small frying pan over low heat. Add the garlic and cook very gently for a couple of minutes, without letting it color. Add the chopped olives and cook for a minute more. Remove from the heat.
  4. Tip the oil, garlic, and olives into the pan with the potatoes and beans. Add the basil, a generous squeeze or two of lemon juice, and some salt and pepper. Toss together and serve warm.

total time: 30 Minuten
preparation time: 10 minutes
cooking time: 8 minutes

*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon

more recipes with potatoes from our previous IHCC chef Nigel Slater

©Rezepte von Nigel Slater: Mashed potatoes
mashed potatoes
©Rezepte von Nigel Slater: warm new potato salad with melted cheese and waterkress (4)
Warm New Potato Salad with Melted Mountain Cheese and Watercress
Rezepte von Nigel Slater©Baked Lemon Potatoes from Nigel Slater (1)
Baked Lemon Potatoes
©Rezepte von Nigel Slater: roast potatoes Duke of York
Roast potatoes: Duke of York

Photo Credit: I ♥ Cooking Clubs
MFI Potatoes
For all other great Potatoes! recipes visit the I heart cooking clubs site 
more recipes in English

Chard and new potato curry

You know autumn is not far, when pumpkins, winter squashes and chard appear next to new potatoes at the weekly market or Food Assembly 21.12.2024 **. I bought some multicoloured chard

bunter Mangold

and new potatoes to cook

Chard and new potato curry

Chard and new potato curry (1)

I have to admit, I’ll never be a huge fan of chard, but every now and then I’ll serve it, especially if it looks so beautiful. The sauce is spicy and delicous and convinced our son.

Chard and new potato curry

Yield: 4 servings

Chard and new potato curry (2)

Chard and new potato curry recipe from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall :This hearty curry is fantastic in late summer or early autumn. It can be made ahead, leave out the yoghurt and at it at the last minute just before serving.


  • 500 grams Swiss chard; about
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower oil; I used rapeseed oil
  • 1 onion, halved and finely sliced
  • 3 garlic cloves, peeled
  • 1 green chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
  • 3 cm piece of ginger, peeled and chopped
  • 1 teaspoon garam masala
  • 1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 3 cardamom pods, bashed
  • 350 grams new potatoes, quartered
  • 250 grams plain (full-fat) yoghurt
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons tomato puree
  • a small bunch of coriander, roughly chopped; as always I used parsley
  • a small handful of almonds, cashews or pistachios, toasted and chopped; about 30 grams
  • sea salt
  • black pepper, freshly ground



>modified from inspired by:
River Cottage Veg Every Day! (River Cottage Every Day) *
ISBN: 978-1408812129


  1. Separate the chard leaves from the stalks. Cut the stalks into 2-3cm pieces and roughly chop the leaves.
  2. Heat the oil in a large saucepan over a medium heat, add the onion and fry until just golden. Meanwhile, pound the garlic, chilli and ginger together with a pinch of salt to a paste. Add to the onion and cook, stirring, for a couple of minutes. Tip in the rest of the spices and stir for a minute or two.
  3. Add the potatoes and chopped chard stalks and fry, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes, so that they are well coated with the spice mixture. Pour in about 400 ml water – enough to just cover the veg. Bring to a simmer, cover and cook for lo-12 minutes until the potatoes are just tender. Add the chard leaves, stir and cook until just wilted.
  4. In a bowl, whisk together the yoghurt, tomato puree and some of the hot liquid from the curry. Remove the curry from the heat, stir in the yoghurt mixture,return to the heat and warm through very gently (if it gets too hot, the yoghurt will curdle). Stir in most of the coriander.
  5. Taste and add salt and pepper if needed. Scatter over Chard and new potato curry the toasted nuts and remaining coriander, then serve Chard and new potato curry with rice and naan or chapattis.

Spinach and new potato curry: Use 600 -700 grams spinach in place of the chard. Remove by tough stalks and add the leaves to the curry once the potatoes are done. Cook for a minute or two before adding the yoghurt mixture.
Winter kale and potato curry: Use maincrop potatoes, peeled and cut into bite-sized chunks, rather than new potatoes, and replace the chard with kale. Discard the kale stalks, roughly shred the leaves, and add them when the potatoes are nearly done. Simmer for 2-3 minutes, or until tender.

total time: 40 minutes
preparation time: 15 minutes
cooking/baking time: 20 minutes

*=Affiliate-Link to Amazon

Photo Credit: I ♥ Cooking Clubs
Slide Into September!
For all other great Slide Into September! recipes visit the I heart cooking clubs site 

more recipes from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (click)

** ** 21.12.2024 Food Assembly no longer available

Nudeln Schleswig-Holstein

Die Kombination aus Nudeln, Kartoffeln, Bohnen und einem Pesto schmeckt verblüffend lecker. In Italien wird dieses Gericht mit Trofie * und natürlich einem Pesto Genovese mit Basilikum, Olivenöl und Pinienkernen zubereitet.

Ich verarbeitete das Radieschengrün von hier mit 18 Monate gereiftem Deichkäse Gold, Rapskernöl und Haselnüssen nach diesem Rezept zu Pesto, und kombinierte es mit Kartoffeln und Bohnen zu

Nudeln Schleswig-Holstein

Nudeln Schleswig-Holstein-3

bei denen bis auf die Nudeln und Gewürze alle Zutaten aus Schleswig-Holstein stammen. Es fehlte mir einfach die Muße, die Nudeln wie hier selbst zu machen.

Nudeln Schleswig-Holstein

Menge: 2 Portionen

Nudeln Schleswig-Holstein-2

Rezept mit Zutaten aus Schleswig-Holstein


  • 150 Gramm grüne Bohnen
  • 200 Gramm Kartoffeln, festkochend
  • 5 Essl. Pesto vom Radieschengrün
  • Salz
  • Pfeffer aus der Mühle


abgewandelt von nach:
e&t Für jeden Tag 7/2004


  1. Bohnen putzen und halbieren. Kartoffeln schälen und in dünne Scheiben schneiden. Die Nudeln, z. B. Trofie oder andere kurze Nudeln, in kochendem Salzwasser nach Packungsanweisung kochen. Bohnen in kochendem Salzwasser 8 Min. kochen, Kartoffeln zugeben und weitere 3 Min. kochen. Alles abgießen.
  2. Nudeln abgießen, dabei 100 ml Kochwasser auffangen. Mit 3 El Pesto verrühren. Mit den Kartoffeln, Bohnen und Nudeln mischen, evtl. nochmals kurz erhitzen, mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Dann mit 2 El Pesto extra servieren.

Gesamtzeit: 30 Minuten
Vorbereitungszeit:5 Minuten
Koch-/Backzeit: 12 Minuten


Photo Credit: Tastesheriff
Gemüseexpedition 2017 Und da bei diesem Rezept das Grün von Radieschen Verwendung findet, reiche ich dieses Gericht bei der Gemüseexpedition August beim Tastesheriff ein.